Tag Archives: pesticides

Tips on Reducing Pesticide Danger to Wildlife


Wildlife contributes greatly in balancing the environment. Regrettably, some human activities have always threatened the livelihood of flora and fauna. For instance, effective control of insects, weeds and harmful animals must involve the use of pesticides. However, proper care ought to be taken with these farm chemicals in order to reduce pesticide danger to wildlife. Below are a few tips that households need to adopt in order to avert exposing wildlife to harmful chemicals.

Be Aware Of Product Labels

Industries have always provided vital information on the best ways of handling chemicals. It is only that some people never care to read the safety rules displayed on pesticide product labels. This always results into mishandling of chemicals which may lead to contamination of the environment. There is need for everyone to take up the responsibility of being careful with substances that might harm the surroundings. Following directions displayed on product labels shows an immense sense of responsibility.

Inspect Containers for Leaks

Most people only visit their chemical stores when the need for a particular substance arises. This should never be the case if the environment is to remain unspoiled. Remember that chemical containers are prone to leaks due to corrosion. If leaks are identified in good time, they can be stopped from contaminating the environment. This helps in protecting birds, animals, insects, and plants against toxic substances.

Keep Chemicals off Channels

Chemicals that spill into waterways can cause mysterious health conditions even to human beings.

Moreover, running water can easily transport harmful chemicals from one point to the other. To avert causing harm to animals, mostly aquatic creatures, contaminated water should never enter waterways like sewers and drains. Washing of chemical containers and equipment therefore, should never be done in regions that border water channels.

Only Use Pesticides When Necessary

Constant use of pesticides in the home is never necessary. Only apply the correct amount of pesticides at a time to ensure that the chemical is well controlled. Additionally, there is no need for repetitive application if the first phase yielded good results. This will minimize the potential harm that poisonous elements can cause to wildlife. Furthermore, most of repellants contain pesticides that don’t work and only cause harm to nature and you house pets, this great article explain it “Do Raccoon Repelling Remedies Work?”

Focus On Areas That Need Treatment

Insecticides contain toxic substances that need not to be exposed to the environment in large quantities. It is recommended that pesticides be applied only to specific areas that need treatment. This is another vital tip that households need to embrace in order to reduce pesticide danger to wildlife. This is a great responsibility that everyone needs to adopt in order to protect and sustain a healthier ecosystem.

01 Aug 2014

How to Protect Urban Wildlife from Pesticides?


Same pesticides that are helpful in controlling pests, weeds and insects cause harm to animals, birds and fishes. Users of these chemicals should know how to protect urban wildlife from pesticides. Pesticides are used extensively not only in agricultural field but also in residential setting. The harmful effects of pesticides can be minimized only if not only farmers but household pesticide users also do their own bits.

It is important to use only branded pesticides. Such products are manufactured according to established government standards related to toxic contents. Pesticide product container should be disposed off as instructed on the product label. It is important to avoid dumping unused pesticides into drain and gutter. Any item treated with these chemicals should be disposed properly. Container used to store pesticide should be checked regularly for any leak. Containers and other items used to store, move or process pesticides should not be cleaned at any place. These items should be cleaned in such a way that the wastewater does not enter the drain and sewer.

Even when the water from a water body is not used for human consumption, its water should be kept free from pesticides. This is possible only when pesticide treated items are not dumped into such water bodies. It is a good idea to use organic pesticides that are made from natural and plant materials. In many cases, weeds can be removed by machines, or even by hand if only a small area like home garden is affected. There is no need to spray pesticides indiscriminately. These chemicals should be sprayed only on affected parts or areas that need treatment.

Some large pests like squirrels can be controlled with small pest controlling devices like traps, there is a tutorial on how to remove squirrels from attic. These devices use simple food baits to lure and trap the pests. The same technique can be used to capture other large pests. An effective landscaping design can help avoid use of pesticides to a great extent. Proper fencing around the garden and home keeps away large pests.

Weeds need water, sunlight and soil to grow. If access to these things can be restricted then weeds have no chance of growing in such an area. Weeds will not grow on land that is completely dry. Leakage of water into the ground should be stopped. Sunlight should not be allowed to reach the ground at places where weeds have a chance of growing. These techniques will restrict growth of weeds in such an area. These are some effective ways to protect urban wildlife from pesticides. Everyone should help avoid pesticides affecting land, water and air.

Source of some information for this article was

14 Jul 2014

PRO platform

A bee collects pollen from a dandelion blossom on a lawn in Klosterneuburg

Since June 2001, when the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the pesticide by-law passed by the Town of Hudson, several municipalities in Ontario have implemented similar by-laws.  To date, Cobalt, Perth, Caledon, North Bay, Toronto, Peterborough,  The Archipelago and Thorold have passed by-laws to restrict pesticide use within their boundaries. Many others have opted to public education options.  This approach, however, provides limited protection to Ontario residents. (more…)

19 Apr 2013